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Computer Science & Technology Series : XVIII Argentine Congress of Computer Science. Selected Papers

edited by Armando De Giusti, Guillermo Simari and Patricia Pesado.

La Plata : Edulp, 2013.

305 págs. : ilustraciones ; 23 cm.

ISBN: 9789871985203

CACIC Congress CACIC is an annual Congress dedicated to the promotion and advancement of all aspects of Computer Science. The major topics can be divided into the broad categories included as Workshops (Intelligent Agents and Systems, Distributed and Parallel Processing, Software Engineering, Architecture, Nets and Operating Systems, Graphic Computation, Visualization and Image Processing, Information Technology applied to Education, Databases and Data Mining, Innovation in Software Systems, Security, Innovation in Computer Education, Computer Science Theory, Signal Processing, Real time Systems and Ethics in Computer Science). The objective of CACIC is to provide a forum within which to promote the development of Computer Science as an academic discipline with industrial applications, trying to extend the frontier of both the state of the art and the state of the practice. The main audience for, and participants in, CACIC are seen as researchers in academic departments, laboratories and industrial software organizations. CACIC started in 1995 as a Congress organized by the Network of National Universities with courses of study in Computer Science (RedUNCI), and each year it is hosted by one of these Universities. RedUNCI has a permanent Web site where its history and organization are described:

RedUNCI Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática.


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